Industrial Energy Management System
We provide comprehensive digital energy services for commercial and industrial users, allowing online management of each connected microgrid system to achieve lean operations and intelligent maintenance. The system is capable of aggregating adjustable resources within microgrids to participate in virtual power plants and earn additional revenue.
It integrates various automatic management modes for microgrids, such as peak shaving, demand management, coordination of photovoltaic storage and diesel generation, and island operation, with the ability to custom develop automatic control strategies based on operational needs.
lean Operation
- Efficiency monitoring
- Income calculation
- Optimization suggestion
Intelligent Maintenance
- Intelligent early warning
- Online Alerts
- Remote maintenance
Al Optimize
- Operational state analysis
- Accurate prediction
- Active operation optimization
Each connected microgrid system can be managed online, featuring functionalities such as battery analysis, photovoltaic power generation analysis, energy usage analysis, online early warning alarms, and Al-driven optimization, enabling lean and intelligent operations and maintenance of the microgrid systems.
Industrial Energy Management Terminal
The locally deployed smart terminals collect operational data from microgrids, forward it to the energy management platform or other third-party platforms, and control the microgrid equipment according to the automatic management modes set by the energy management cloud platform. With rich interfaces and support for multiple protocols, the system can connect to photovoltaic inverters, energy storage systems, diesel generators, charging stations, electric meters, and relay protection devices-
Abundant Interfaces
- RJ45/RS-485/CAN/IO
Multiple protocol support
- Modbus/IEC-104/Sunspec
Accurate Monitoring
- Milliseconds device control
- Seconds data acquisition
Automatic control
- Automatic generation control
- Automatic charge and discharge control